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wave generation中文是什么意思

用"wave generation"造句"wave generation"怎么读"wave generation" in a sentence


  • 波的产生
  • 波浪发生
  • 波浪生成
  • 波浪形成
  • 起浪
  • 造波
  • "wave"中文翻译    n. 1.波浪;碎浪; 〔the wave(s)〕 〔诗 ...
  • "generation"中文翻译    n. 1.代〔约30年〕,世代,时代;同时代的人。 2. ...
  • "generation of wave" 中文翻译 :    起浪
  • "area of wave generation" 中文翻译 :    波发生区; 波浪发生区
  • "generation of ocean wave" 中文翻译 :    海浪生成
  • "radio wave generation" 中文翻译 :    射频波产生
  • "wave activated power generation" 中文翻译 :    波浪发电; 波浪力发电
  • "wave power generation" 中文翻译 :    波浪发电; 波力发电; 海浪发电
  • "wave-activated power generation" 中文翻译 :    波浪发电
  • "a generation" 中文翻译 :    这一代
  • "generation" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.代〔约30年〕,世代,时代;同时代的人。 2.一代[一世]。 3.生殖,生育;发生,产生。 4.【数学】(面、体、线的)形成。 5.完善化阶段,完善化方案,完善化的模型;发展阶段。 a generation ago 约三十年前。 alternation of generations 【生物学】世代交替。 the present generation现代;现代人。 the last [past] generation上一代。 the first generation第一代 (the first generation university students 第一代大学生). future generations 后代。 the beat generation“垮掉的一代”〔美国青年中的颓废派〕。 the rising [coming] generation下一代。 the younger [older] generation年轻[年老]的一代。 for generations 一连好几代,祖祖辈辈。 generation after generation = from generation to generation 世世代代。
  • "generation to" 中文翻译 :    generation一代一代地
  • "s-generation" 中文翻译 :    第二代
  • "from generation to generation" 中文翻译 :    世代相传; 一代传一代; 一代一代地; 一代又一代
  • "a wave" 中文翻译 :    a波:视网膜电流图中一小型负波,可能来自圆锥细胞或其传导结构
  • "in wave" 中文翻译 :    自旋波
  • "no wave" 中文翻译 :    无浪潮
  • "s wave" 中文翻译 :    s波; 次波
  • "s-wave" 中文翻译 :    s波; 横波
  • "t wave" 中文翻译 :    t波:正常心电图中第二个主要波型,反映心室复极的电位变化; t波(心电图)
  • "t-wave" 中文翻译 :    t波; 复极波
  • "wave" 中文翻译 :    n. 〔美海军〕女志愿军人〔见 WAVES 条〕。 n. 1.波浪;碎浪; 〔the wave(s)〕 〔诗〕海。 2.波动;波状起伏;波浪形;【军事】(攻击)波;批;(绸缎的)波纹;波线。 3.波动,风潮;高潮。 4.(用手等的)挥动(信号);【火箭】振动,射流;【物理学】波;【气象】浪。 attack in waves 【军事】波状进攻。 They defy difficulties and advance wave upon wave. 他们不怕困难,前扑后继。 a wave of prosperity [depression] 一阵子的繁荣[萧条]。 permanent waves 电烫(头发)。 a wave of buying 一阵子的抢购浪潮。 a wave of revolution 革命高潮。 a tidal wave 海啸。 long [short] waves 长[短]波。 ultra-short waves 超短波。 a cold wave 寒潮。 a heat wave 热浪。 attack in waves 【军事】作波状攻击。 make waves 兴风作浪;打乱正常的进程[惯例等]。 vi. 1.起波,波动;摇摆;招展,飘扬。 2.(头发等)作波浪形,起伏。 3.挥手[招手]示意。 Her hair waves. 她的头发呈波浪形。 vt. 1.摇;挥;使招展。 2.摇[挥]动表示。 3.使起浪;将(头发)弄成波浪形;加波纹。 wave a farewell = wave sb. adieu 挥手告别。 wave sb. nearer 招手叫某人走近一点。 wave aside 挥手使站开;挥手拒绝[排斥]。 wave away [off] 挥手使去;拒绝。 wave the bloody shirt 〔美国〕唤起复仇心,挑拨敌对情绪。 adj. -d 1.波浪形的,起伏的;(织物等)有波纹的。 2.飘动的。 adj. -less 没有浪的,不起浪的,平静的。
  • "wave the" 中文翻译 :    波浪
  • "wave to" 中文翻译 :    挥手示意; 向……招手
  • "a generation ago" 中文翻译 :    一代人之前


  • Approach of wave generation by snake - type multidirectional irregular wave maker and properties of waves
  • Subsequently , the special numerical techniques including the wave generation and absorption that are used in the model is illuminated
  • 4 . the generation of modulation wave by wide band multiplier is designed after deep discussion on theory of the modulation wave generation
    4 .在深入探讨调制波的产生原理基础上,设计了一个基于乘法器的调制波发生电路。
  • 4 ) the thz resistivity of doped zn0 . 95cd0 . 05te < 110 > crystals changes with different doping following the similar way as the dc resistivity , which results in different thz wave generation efficiency
    对于有掺杂的zn吧人内。 p 11o单晶,通过不同掺杂可以改变zn95cd ste叫单晶的电阻率,从而改变样品产生thz辐射的效率。
  • At first , we introduced the velocity equation of dpssl , which operates in the multi - longitudinal modes . then , we give the dynamic equation of intracavity doubled - frequency dpssl , when we take in the shg ( second harmonious wave generation ) equation
  • The results show that the model has perfect functions of wave generation and absorption and is stable and accurate enough for simulating fully nonlinear waves exactly . that is to say , the model can meet the actual demand of common numerical experiments very well
  • Effective generation of thz wave is a basic issue in experiments evolving thz radiation . scientists have studied different electro - optic crystals as a thz waves emitter , and they found that the znte crystal is the best for thz wave generation
  • After analyzed the limitation of dijkstra algorithm and genie algorithm , a pulse coupled neural networks ( pcnn ) algorithm is proposed . pcnn provides group similarity , synchronous exciting and auto - wave generation characters , and is widely researched and applied in image processing , target identification and optimization fields
  • Thirdly , in the environment of labview , several kinds of vis used for sensor signal test are designed , including wave generation , time domain measurement , filter disposal , frequency analysis , etc . after that , wavelet analysis in the application of one - dimensional signal de - noise is studied , threshold and translation invariance wavelet de - noise are realized , and wavelet de - noise vi for zero drift signal of the fiber optic gyro in fcs is designed using labview
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